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Take your health into your own hands

Take your health into your own hands

Combat sports: how to knock out anxiety and stress

The benefits of most sports activities go beyond purely physical ones. In fact, sports, in general, also help our mind, freeing it from anxiety, stress and daily frustrations that often generate a state of mental and physical malaise in the individual. However, there are some sports, although in this case the more correct term to use is “disciplines,” that perform this “purifying” function for our minds to a greater extent than others. We are talking specifically about combat sports!

A blow to stress

People are often mistakenly led to believe that combat sports are capable of increasing aggression and dangerousness in individuals who practice them. Nothing could be more false! Those who practice martial arts in fact, and do so involving not only their bodies but also and especially their minds, have respect, self-control, calmness and reasoning as their basic pillars. Anyone who seriously and passionately practices any combat sport can best manage their impulses and emotions, which often overpower and influence the behaviors of those who are not used to being in stressful situations ( as face-to-face combat can be ).

In fact, practicing a martial discipline helps to dramatically reduce the body’s levels of stress, anxiety and tension. The physical and mental exertion that is required to sustain the workouts provides a perfect outlet to release (perhaps by punching a bag) all the tension, anger, and negative emotions that negatively affect the individual.

Respect and tranquility

Another fundamental value that is present in all athletes who practice a martial art with passion and dedication is respect for the opponent, the master, and the place where training takes place (dojo). After punches, kicks, projections, and levers of various kinds, every bout (whether training or competitive) always ends with a hug, handshake, or simply a thank-you greeting between the two athletes. This is a fundamental aspect of martial arts, thanks to which this type of discipline is very suitable especially for children and adolescents, as it stimulates in them mutual respect and loyalty.

Finally, martial athletes have the ability to handle the unexpected events of daily life much more calmly and rationally. This is mainly because their bodies and minds are often subjected to intense stressful situations ( a grueling workout or a fight ). This practice has helped improve the body’s resilience in situations of high tension and emotional stress, thereby improving the approach to everyday life issues.

When we are stressed we have more difficulty perceiving danger

We are often mistakenly led to think that a high-stress situation gives us the ability to pay more attention to the dangers around us, increasing our state of alertness, or perhaps making our senses more overpowering and able to pick up on any detail. But the reality is not always this, in fact most of the time the opposite happens! In fact, stress would only diminish our perception of pitfalls and dangers.

The study

This thesis was pursued by a team of New York University scholars, led by researcher Candace Raio, and published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. According to the study, in fact, stress decreases our abilities in perceiving danger and predicting new dangerous stimuli. It thus contributes to making our bodies less flexible to the new forms that a threat might take, making us very vulnerable and thus putting our own health at risk in certain situations (think, for example, when we are driving or handling dangerous objects). According to Candare Raio in fact, “When we are under stress, we pay less attention to changes in the environment, exposing ourselves to increased risk precisely because we ignore new sources of danger.”

The test

To reach this conclusion, New York University scholars subjected some volunteers to a conditioning test divided into two phases. In the first phase, all participants viewed a series of photos, some of which were accompanied by a small electric shock on the wrist. The photos with the discharge depicted images of danger, those without, on the other hand, depicted harmless situations. The following day half of the participants (the unlucky ones we would say) underwent a procedure to increase the stress levels in their bodies: they had to immerse their arm in ice water for a few minutes in order to increase the levels of certain stress hormones, such as cortisol and the alpha amylase.

At this point the test was repeated again, however, reversing the shocks, which this time were carried out with the “safe” images. According to the researchers’ measurements, participants under stress showed a slower physiological reaction in ‘detecting new dangers, almost as if they had not grasped at all that the dangerous stimuli had changed. In fact, stress inhibited their ability to learn, interfering with their ability to associate shock with danger.

This is very important research, as learning how to quickly intercept dangers, or even predict them, can be very important for our safety and survival. So is being resilient and adapting quickly to the transformations that danger can have from one moment to the next.

Eight tips to combat stress

  1. We live in a world that constantly puts us under stress! Work, study, family problems, sports, now everything is a cause for stress if we are unable to organize the various activities throughout our daily routine. Even a summer vacation, if not thought out in detail, can be a cause of mental and physical stress on our bodies. How then to find an escape route to this oppressive condition ? Again, the practice of Mindfulness plays in our favor, describing the 8 tips to combat stress. Let’s see together what they are.

Tips for combating stress

1 – Be aware of all the signs (physical, emotional and mental ) that indicate to you that a particular situation or event is stressful. Try to react rationally and calmly rather than impulsively to what happens to you.

2 – Remember as much as possible throughout the day that you are a complete, infinite being, losing nothing by allowing your sensitivity and love to express itself.

3 – Pay attention to the feelings, whether negative or positive, that you are experiencing in a stressful situation. When they are present be aware of what your behavior is in response to them and judge whether it is an appropriate reaction or not, keeping in mind the consequences of your actions.

4 – Pay attention to how much your feelings and moods affect the way you feel physically at that moment. Reason about your body movements, how you drink, how you eat, and how you appear in the eyes of others.

5 – Notice whether your mind turns its thoughts to memories of the past or, on the contrary, projects itself into anticipations of the future, and how much this all revolves around the I, ME and MINE. Is all this necessary ? Does it cause you pain ? Wouldn’t it be better to take your mind off these thoughts ?

6 – Be more aware of the present moment, focus your attention, especially through the use of breathing, on what you are experiencing at this very moment. Reflect on the here and now, without letting your mind digress too much into thoughts and memories that may increase the uncomfortable situation resulting from stress.

7 – Be aware of every feeling that arises from your body, whether positive or negative ( fear, anger, jealousy, laziness, joy, security, calmness, etc.).

8 – Imagine that your life was coming to an end at this moment, how would you like your mind to be at this moment ? You can think about what to do practically to make your intention come true consistently, in everyday life.

Chronic stress also damages eyesight

According to research conducted by Bernhard Sabel, director of the Institute of Medical Psychology at the German University of Magdeburg and published in the EPMA Journal, stress is also bad for your eyesight.

Being prolonged exposure to stressful conditions contributes to vision loss or if already present, accelerates the progression of this problem. Accumulated tension and anxiety can, therefore, act negatively on vision, damaging it irreparably. The symptoms of this disorder often come suddenly and are varied, ranging from eyelid flickering to loss of vision.

Those who are especially at risk are those with vision problems, but it also affects those with healthy eyes.

The research, through which numerous clinical trials and previous studies were considered, found that conditions of chronic stress can cause the loss of vision constant over time and to aggravate serious diseases such as the glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration. Glaucoma is an eye disease that affects the optic nerve and is related to excessive pressure inside the eye. It occurs at the time when the pressure is highest. The most likely cause is cortisol, the stress hormone, which repeatedly enters the bloodstream, becoming the culprit of some serious diseases, just like glaucoma.

“There is, in short, the influence of an important psychosomatic component in vision loss.”, explains Sabel, who points out that the study indicates to adopt a Psychosomatic approach in ophthalmology, which could have positive consequences for patients in clinical practice.It would be useful to set up clinical trials to check whether these stress-reduction strategies could be effective in slowing the course of progressive diseases.

Stress reduction strategies, such as meditation and yoga, could also be adopted by patients to improve the health condition of their eyes.

Stress: 40% of Italian workers would like to change jobs

According to WorkForce Europe 2018 research conducted by the company Adp, 40 percent of workers are stressed and would like to change jobs or leave them, due to an inability to manage stress.

The research was conducted by interviewing more than 10,000 workers on the European continent, including 1,300 employees in Italy, and apparently the figure of workers suffering from stress is growing. Stress could become a major problem for thousands of workers and lead to negative consequences on the countries’ income and economy.

16% of workers, mostly those over 55, those who are beginning to feel the effects of their working years, think that companies do not care about their mental and physical well-being.

Stress and mental health issues are a major cause of employee absences and staff turnover – says Virginia Magliulo, general manager ADP Italy – which means that supporting employees is not only the right thing to do, but also a worthwhile investment“.

As for the younger age group, those between 25 and 34, they perceive this condition at only 11 percent, but 44.8 percent of them would like a less demanding job and would be willing to leave everything to turn their lives upside down. It’s unclear whether it’s a need for leisure or a desire to escape, but according to a recent Istat report, Italians are the ones who would devote the most time to leisure.

The overstressed workers are the 45-year-olds, and according to the research, women are the most affected, compared to men. In addition to work, in fact, they have to manage family commitments, children and home, and this would put a greater emotional burden on them.

Which regions have the most stressed workers?

The region with
most stressed workers
is Basilicata with 40 percent, followed by Aosta Valley (25 percent) and Piemonte (20.4 percent). On the other hand, as far as the most relaxed workers are concerned, in the lead are the people of Abruzzo (22.7 percent), followed by Molise and Trentino in a tie (20 percent). Financial services, retail, catering, leisure, and business, media and marketing were also among the hardest hit sectors.

Stress at work: a small daily break is the key to better sleep

Work days are often synonymous with stress and tension for us. The morning runs so as not to be late, the traffic that punctually stops us every day, the worst shift that could happen to us, the boss who constantly puts us under pressure, not to mention the many unforeseen events and problems that we may encounter during our daily work routine. What should be of concern is that this whole series of stressful situations and negative thoughts often turn into health problems that should not be neglected because they are dangerous to the well-being of our bodies.

The main problem is insomnia and interrupted sleep, which can make our nights a nightmare, taking away our ability to get the best rest to face, the next day, a new “battle” in the workplace. However, there are a whole range of activities that can avert this scenario. In fact, it would be appropriate, after a busy day at work, to devote a few moments to oneself to perform an activity that can “evaporate” the accumulated stress, allowing us then to rest peacefully during the night. These activities can be both relaxing such as yoga, meditation, reading, listening to music but also more challenging activities such as sports or a simple walk. In this way we will get rid of the stress accumulated during the day and can regain energy while sleeping.

The research: Stress at work

Supporting this view is research conducted by Oakland University, USA, published in the
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
. The study looked at about 700 individuals, employees of the U.S. Forest Service. They were asked questions pertaining to their work routines, problems and misunderstandings they faced in the workplace, unpleasant situations, and negative events. They were then asked if they engaged in any kind of non-work activities and if they suffered from insomnia. Workers’ responses showed that employees who do not engage in any kind of activity other than work and who often find themselves in unpleasant situations during the work routine suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders. In contrast, workers who engage in some hobby or sport after work are instead able to sleep more peacefully and face the workday with more positivity.

According to the study’s principal director, Caitlin Demsky, “In our competitive and fast-paced professional world, it is more important than ever for workers to be in the best condition to succeed, and a good night’s sleep is the key to doing that.” Therefore, one can understand how important it is to be able to get the best rest, especially since the long-term consequences of such a condition can adversely affect our body’s health.

But why does hair fall out?

There they are, tangled in the foam residue, clogging the shower drain. Or inexorably twisted and untangled by brush bristles. It is the fault of autumn or spring, stress or hormones, age or pregnancy, smoking or disordered eating. Since time immemorial, the reasons given to justify more or less intense hair loss are the most varied and imaginative. But which ones are the real ones?
Find out here,
 to avoid worrying too much and to more easily identify the correct solution in your case.

Too much stress and too little sleep enemies of the heart

Several studies on this have already been done, but new evidence and quantification of the cardiovascular risk associated with excessive stress at work and at the sleep poor, taken singly or in combination, reported by the group coordinated by Karl-Heinz Ladwig of the German Research Centre for Environmental Health – Technical University in Munich, Germany, cannot go unnoticed, especially if you have high blood pressure.

Based on data obtained from the analysis of nearly 2,000 workers hypertensives between the ages of 25 and 65, in fact, those who are subjected to occupational stress and suffer from sleep disorders have a risk of death from cardiovascular causes as much as three times higher (+300%) than those who have relative job serenity and sleep well. And this is in the absence of aggravating risk factors such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes or known cardiovascular disease.

Even taken alone, work stress has anything but beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, being associated with a 1.6-fold (+60%) increase in the risk of death from cardiovascular causes, while if fragmented and/or insufficient sleep is present in the absence of work stress, the increase in the risk of death from cardiovascular causes is 1.8-fold (+80%), compared to those affected by neither problem.

In absolute terms, over an 18-year follow-up period, work stress and inadequate sleep were associated with a risk of death from cardiovascular causes of 7.13 per thousand person-years compared with 3.05 per thousand person-years of those who are not stressed and sleep well, 4.99 per thousand person-years of those who are only stressed, and 5.95 per thousand person-years of those who sleep poorly without the work stress component.

The authors of the study point out that job stress is established in situations in which the worker is required to perform at a high level of performance with little or no decision-making power, that is, when in addition to being under pressure, one is also forced to carry out orders, without having a voice. Conversely, even a heavy workload can be irrelevant or beneficial to health if you can be in control of the situation and choose for yourself how to act.

Job stress is often associated with difficulties in fall asleep and to early awakenings that leave ample room for prolonged ruminations on the difficulties and frustrations of the day that has just passed or that will have to be faced after the alarm clock sounds, preventing the physiological stand-by that the cardiovascular system needs to stay healthy. If the situation involves short periods (days or weeks) it is not a big problem, but if it goes on for a long time (years) the matter changes dramatically, and the risks increase.

To avoid problems it is essential to act on both fronts, because while it is true that stress disrupts sleep it is equally true that unsatisfactory sleep makes one more nervous and prone to develop anxiety and stress. In particular, experts from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) suggest:

  • Learn relaxation techniques and use them several times a day;
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle (balanced diet and regular physical activity);
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol and stimulants (excess caffeine, energy drinks, etc.);
  • Maintain regular rhythms and fall asleep and wake up at fixed times;
  • Identify personal strategies to reduce work stress;
  • Improve social relationships and increase leisure time;
  • If sleep does not improve, seek the help of a Sleep Medicine specialist;
  • If anxiety and stress are frankly excessive and difficult to control independently, seek psychological support.


Li J, Atasoy S, Fang X, Angerer P, Ladwig KH. Combined effect of work stress and impaired sleep on coronary and cardiovascular mortality in hypertensive workers: The MONICA/KORA cohort study. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2019; doi:10.1177/2047487319839183.

RUNNING… TO WORK! Health comes running…to the office!

It is now well established that constant and regular physical activity is indispensable for a person’s mental and physical well-being. In today’s society, however, the problem is mainly time, which is never enough. Life has turned into a constant rush, from home to work, from work to the supermarket, not to mention the endless commitments we have to deal with on a daily basis. And we often forget to take care of ourselves, giving up crucial moments for our health, such as sports, for example. But walking and running are natural activities that humans have been doing since time immemorial: in fact, our physiques are predisposed to move about 30 kilometers a day, a habit peculiar to our ancestors who had to obtain food and water.

Sedentariness today is an ailment that increasingly afflicts the younger generation and beyond: we do not walk more than a mile a day and are becoming inexorably lazier. An evil that is turning into a real social emergency: increase in obesity, growth of cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, respiratory diseases. A truly awful scenario. But to all this there is a remedy.

This is a remedy that will not only help people to make better and more fruitful use of their time, but will also enable them to engage in daily physical activity without having to give up perhaps more pleasant occupations at the end of the day. We are talking about Run Commuting, a new way of doing sports because it is done on the way from home to work or vice versa. Growing steadily is the number of those, especially in Great Britain, who have implemented this innovative strategy of practicing physical activity. It is also a way to rediscover the city where you live, erase the daily stress caused by traffic, queues at traffic lights, and the search for a parking space near your workplace. This is how you start to fight sedentariness, one of the triggers of diseases to the cardiovascular system. In Italy alone, the number of sedentary people exceeds 21 million-a figure that should give pause for thought, because it is equivalent to about a third of the population. If, therefore, the distance between one’s home and office permits, why not start walking to work? By taking a walk, one can discover many details that perhaps before, running against time, escaped the eye.

It is also a way to relax and avoid the daily stress associated with car use. The more exercised, on the other hand, can equip themselves with a bicycle and pedal to work, or by jogging. In short, the alternatives are not few. Of course, you will have to wake up a few minutes earlier, but it will benefit your body first, then your mind, which will no longer be subjected to unnecessary fatigue. The benefits of Run Commuting will also be seen on the economic side: you will save on fuel or public transportation ticket money. Not to mention the immediate benefits the environment will gain: less traffic equals less air pollution. One of the problems could be the lack of showers in company restrooms; in this case, one may travel to work by public transportation and return home by running or walking at the end of the day.

Run Commuting is a way of life, which initially caught on in Great Britain, where it is not strange early in the morning to pass hundreds of people on the street in sportswear, or riding a bicycle, backpacking to the office. Walking, then, is slowly making a comeback (an app for sportsmen and women that monitors the laps and runs of athletes has estimated that the number of Run Commuting people in the United Kingdom has grown by more than 50 percent in the past year, approaching 45 thousand runs per week). According to the study conducted by the same app, right after London, the European “capital” of Run Commuters, we find Amsterdam, which precedes Paris. New York, Sydney, San Francisco, Los Angeles, São Paulo, Barcelona and Melbourne also appear in the top 10. Italy is not included in the ranking. Perhaps this habit has not yet taken hold due to the lack of offices and businesses equipped with lockers, showers and facilities suitable for this purpose. But the road is marked and, slowly, outreach is already being initiated. In our own small way, we can start with a brisk walk to work or from the office to home, especially now with the warmer weather, longer and brighter days, and less likelihood of weather events of rain, wind, or thunderstorms. Run Commuting can be a great way to combat sedentariness-the important thing is to have the right shoes and good will. The benefits will be immediate.

Source: Crudostyle

Stress and adaptation: human resources

For do any kind of work it is necessary to be in good shape, in fact a healthy psychological balance enables the individual to work in a manner more serene and develop to their fullest potential. Being a leader of self themselves means dealing with the problems that occur in the work environment, clearly and with clear objectives.

Balance of a person must be stable. The “mature self” is definitely a requirement fundamental for human and professional growth, while the development exclusive in some human or professional spheres results in attitudes that are not always compatible with a functional lifestyle.

In any work context, it is important to pay attention to the resources human and understand how each individual relates to himself or herself and the world of the work. For example, the physician’s work is based on knowledge, the level of professional competence and on the ability to maintain a stable emotional, so he must take care to be in good condition at all times.

Micheal Balint sensed the dual needs of the professional. He must take care of himself, developing a good level of self-esteem and learn to be self-effective even under stressful conditions. This seems to be an extremely current viewpoint, which takes into consideration the opportunity for the practitioner to adjust his or her operating standard to levels of good effectiveness while respecting life. this contributes to reducing error margins, improving clinical risk management and gaining greater confidence.

Source : I don’t have time for… by Mediserve

Twelve valid reasons to practice yoga

Some people do it to relax after work or to learn how to react better to stress, who to keep muscles toned and flexible the joints without too much effort. Some people do it to improve balance and control of posture and those who simply because they like it. As the its practice has spread and the proposed variants have diversified, the reasons for practicing yoga have multiplied and it is no longer even necessary to share the philosophical principles behind it in order to derive the many beneficial effects it can have on the body and mind. Are you thinking of try it too? Here are some good reasons to equip yourself with a mat and translate in practice intentions.

Hair falling out more than usual? Here’s why

Hair is strongly affected by health status general organism, but also the lifestyle one leads, the stress level, the medications one takes, and, in both men and women, of hormone levels. Eating disorderly, being anxious or depressed, not drinking or getting enough sleep, smoking, not taking vitamins and salts enough minerals, but also being pregnant or menopausal or suffering from of specific acute or chronic diseases can affect luster, vitality and density of the canopy, often with unhappy outcomes. A list of the main factors that can increase hair loss and some tips to remedy them.

Consequences of job stress in health care

In health care, job stress can take on particular characteristics in relation to the specific professionalism required. Occupational stress can depend on: medical error, work injury, work conflict, impairment of physician’s capacity, reduced quality of life, and organic disease.

Excessive workload, inadequate supervision, and a stressful work environment are among the recognized underlying causes of medical error. Professional competence and work environment, therefore, seem to be intertwined in dynamic terms. A stressful work environment affects working relational life with an exponential increase in conflict between workers. This affects the physician’s competence and ability to empathize with the patient. The doctor will have other things to think about and will not be able to be calm and relate to the person in front of him or her. Cigarette smoking, irritability, cynicism, and alcohol or drug abuse are just some of the consequences of work stress. The health company must be able to prevent such situations and plan actions to monitor workers’ stress.

Source : I don’t have time for… As wear and tear cure: operators health care under stress by Ferdinando Pellegrino

Stress as a source of survival

Very often in work contexts it is possible for uncomfortable situations to arise, also related to mental illness. This negatively affects the worker’s well-being through increased cigarette consumption or alcohol abuse.

The experience of distress begins with a loss of motivation, a drop in interest in work, and a demotivation toward the work activity, to an outward attribution of blame. This attitude appears as a defense against a frustrating and unrewarding work situation. If one likes the work, but experiences it with dissonance, what comes out is a deleterious effect on the individual’s emotional set-up. Even at the corporate level there can be devastating consequences, which reduce the productivity of the company. Workers under stress feel as if they are suffocated by time and commitments. Under normal conditions, the individual should be able to manage his or her stress level, implement defensive strategies, and effectively use his or her psychological defense mechanisms. However, when stress becomes excessive, it turns into crisis and distress factors. Each individual reacts in his or her own way, stands in relation to himself or herself and the environment, and responds to the stimuli of daily life. Of course, there are extreme situations towards which any living being would have difficulty adapting and surviving, but it is possible to observe that each individual responds differently from the other. When faced with stimuli, the individual takes action to provide appropriate responses. The stimulus can be a thought, an emotion or any other life event. Stimuli are evaluated in relation to one’s way of relating to reality in particular ways.

Hans Selye described in the “general syndrome of adaptation” some typical phases of stress. At first there is a alarm phase, in which the individual assesses the stimulus, takes note of it, and takes prepare for it. The second phase is that of resistance, aimed at to the preservation of equilibrium. Finally, there is the depletion phase, where the energy reserves may be depleted. To manage these phases, the organism activates biological, behavioral, and psychological modifications.

Stress cannot be avoided; in fact, it is precisely because of the stress that we can survive. Stress is the modulator of functions biological and psychological of the individual, helps to live well and give the BEST. A certain degree of stress has positive effects in that it helps the people to improve in critical situations, making them become more alert and Refining concentration skills.

Important reflections can be made

  • Each individual has a subjective limit of stress tolerance
  • A persistent subjective condition of tension breeds frustration
  • Overfitting conditions are nefarious

Stress knows no exceptions: every individual has a limit, beyond which he can no longer handle the tension. It is important know this threshold and be aware of the level of tension, in how stress can be silent and not immediately perceived.

Source : I don’t have time for… As wear and tear cure: operators health care under stress by Ferdinando Pellegrino

When stress reaches the limit, the body sends concrete signals

There is a specific area in the human body that can alert you when stress and fatigue have reached the limit so that you don’t collapse, even some time before.

It happens every day often to people when the work becomes too much and pressing, especially in those particular jobs where the individual is tasked to dispose of multiple requests or orders at the same time and in a pressing manner. Meetings, appointments, the phone constantly ringing

To check whether it is true that Stress has taken hold of us, we need only stand in front of a mirror and look at our eyes in general and our pupils in particular.

The state of the pupils is the one that best tells the level of stress one has reached . Studies have been able to demonstrate  the relationship between entity  and type of work and pupil appearance,  a particularly pronounced response when the subject is highly concentrated in order to perform a large workload.

But how can one be sure when the pupils are evidencing a state of stress? By observing pupil size: if they are dilated they reveal a steady increase in stress and tension levels

If the dilatation lasts for a short time and does not persist  it means that the stress was temporary; but if the dilatation remains for long periods, then it becomes a noticeable sign and also a symptom to be taken seriously.

Factors that contribute to increased stress levels and dilated pupils  are: excitement, fear, states of anger, and especially anxious states.

Some substances can also cause pupils to dilate , and they too are linked to alterations in emotional states: cocaine, cannabinoids, LSD, alcohol.

Industry players and large companies have lately been studying and investigating  systems that can measure the stress level of  their employees as needed, in order to better assign work requests or for better organization  of shifts.

Some workers have reacted in a concerned manner toward the risk of losing their jobs inherent in these systems, when in the hands of unconscientious bosses,  e  this is not only is it the worst criticism that can  to become , but ironically it may itself be an additional stress-inducing factor.

Work stress and organizational difficulties

Keith Yamashita and Sandra Spataro in their book “On-Off” stated the problem of personal motivation in the context of a group and determined some strategies against work stress.

A sense of frustration can be identified in any work situation, leading individuals to feel fatigued and distressed. Many studies report work stress, but often do not consider the reasons why, which can be found in personality or organizational characteristics.

Added to this is the pressure related to professional responsibility whereby physicians are increasingly forced to engage in defensive behaviors that fuel anxiety and unease. The physician is under great pressure from external factors, both organizational and social, which inevitably affect well-being and professional effectiveness. Many studies show us that it is possible to work while managing stress better, deriving gratification from work activity.

Source : I don’t have time for… How it wears out healing: health care workers under stress by Ferdinando Pellegrino

Stress and well-being

Life is full of setbacks and difficulties; it would be nice to live in an ideal world, but it is not. Every man is constantly confronted with problems, injustices, hardships and conflicts.

How is it possible to preserve one’s identity in a world That keeps changing? How to deal with the problems of life? How to manage the uncertainties of daily life?

Let’s imagine that we enter a maze and have to make some choices, to act under new events, and to have to give answers to the important issues of life. In this labyrinth we have to overcome the difficulties and find the way out. We succeed, but after a short time the problems are repropose. How do we react to this point?

From a psychological point of view, we know that the mind has infinite resources for figuring out what to do and what not to do, how to distribute resources, and how to deal with life’s inconveniences. The aspects of the mind, however, are man’s true asset; in fact, knowing one’s own mind and inner world is every man’s strength.

Source: I don’t have time for… How it wears out care: health workers under stress by Ferdinando Pellegrino


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